
One more thing that drives me crazy...

Of course, once you make a list of 21 things that drive you crazy (see post from earlier in March), more and more things pop in your head. I had an older fellow in one of my classes this week ask me if anything ever made me angry, as I always seemed calm to him (Jerod might disagree!).

But then, it happened again yesterday. One of the few things that really does send me over the edge for some reason...

I'm sitting at a RED light, waiting to take a right. There is oncoming traffic. I wait until the coast is clear. The traffic seems to stop, but I'm waiting a second to make sure that the opposite lane won't be turning left into my lanes before I proceed. Because, dang it! I have the right to make sure I will not be creamed when I decide to turn my 2-ton vehicle into traffic!!!!!!!!!!! So DO NOT HONK AT ME BECAUSE I DON'T TAKE A RIGHT ON RED WHEN YOU THINK I SHOULD!!!!! Do not, do not, do not. If you are sitting behind me, and honk at me...I really will just sit there then until the light turns good and green. Because I'm the driver, and it's my life and my car that I'm still paying off...

I made sure to tell Fred that this action makes me sincerely angry. He smiled and thanked me for being human. Funny. He should see me when I spill something or I'm running late for something...Let's just say I'm still working on these things...Like yesterday...I shook the blue cheese dressing to get the last few drops out...and the lid wasn't completely screwed on...BLUE CHEESE EXPLOSION ON THE FLOOR, COUNTER, ETC. Sigh. These are petty things, to be sure...but don't they seem to take a lifetime to overcome?

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