
Denver Dance Died

I've just returned from Denver, and should already be in bed, getting my body clock adjusted. We went to cheer on our Eagles in the first-round NCAA Tournament. And cheer we did...but when the bottom fell out in the second half, we mostly sat. Stunned. I am not a player on the team, so I won't surmise what factors might have prompted the smack-down. It wasn't just the losing, it was the extreme loss that was painful.

Denver, however, has many charms to offer. A quick drive westward produces mining towns, snow-capped mountains, and winding roads. An unexpected joy too, was a visit with my cousin, who has lived far away since we were young teenagers...so our visits have been far and few between. We keep up mostly by email these days, but how great to hang with your cuz in her 'hood. (hee hee)

I am adding something to my as yet non-existent life "to do" list...see a great concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre (I'll post pics soon)...I was hoping we might win our game and get to stay around for Easter Sunrise service there. It is God's little gift to Denver, and they have made the most of it. I sang a few bars of "Climb Every Mountain" on the stage to test the acoustics and just to say I had. My jello legs held me up despite the bazillion stairs we had just scaled. There are a few places in the world that seem to be natural sanctuaries meant for worship. Red Rocks is one of those. Driving on a squiggly road at 10,000 feet is also pretty cool.

So, we returned defeated, deflated, but Denver-ated. It was a good trip, all in all. I am thankful for the opportunity and a for few days out of the rat race. And now, I'm thankful for my flat pillow, my doggie foot-warmer, and the kind of quiet that only your own home can provide for restful sleep.

Good night.

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